; Raster-Split-Hires - True 160 * 200 pixels ; only for PAL-VIC 20 ; Video-Ram Top: 4096-4351 = 240 double height chars ; Char-Ram Top: 4352-8191 = 3840 Byte = 30720 pixels(standard 160*192 res) ; Video-Ram Bottom: 240-259 = 20 Byte ; Char-Ram Bottom: 864-1023 = Char: 108 - 127 (160*8 res) ; ZP-Save-Area for 240-259: 834-863 *=$2000 sei ; Set Interrupt Flag ldy #$10 ldx #$00 txa clear1 sta $1000,x inx bne clear1 inc clear1+2 dey bne clear1 lda #$10 sta clear1+2 ldy #$04 lda #$00 clear2 sta $9700,x inx bne clear2 dec clear2+2 dey bne clear2 lda #$97 sta clear2+2 lda #$00 ldx #$60 clear3 sta $0300,x inx bne clear3 charmap ldx #$10 loop1 txa sta $0ff0,x inx bne loop1 show lda #$0e sta $9000 lda #$22 sta $9001 lda #$14 sta $9002 grandloop ; Save Area from 240-259 to 844-863 ldx #$14 loop3 byte $bd ; lda $00ef,x byte $ef byte $00 sta $034b,x dex bne loop3 ; create Charmap for Video Ram from 240 to 259 ldx #$6c loop2 txa byte $9d ; sta $0084,x (since x = $6c from $00f0) byte $84 byte $00 inx cpx #$80 bne loop2 ; switch graphics from 160 * 192 and extra line ldx #$1b stx $9003 ldy #$cc sty $9005 ldx #$32 ldy #$88 lda #$82 raster cmp $9004 bne raster stx $9003 sty $9005 lda #$86 raster2 cmp $9004 bne raster2 ; restore Area from 844-863 to 240-259 ldx #$14 loop4 lda $034b,x byte $9d ; sta $00ef,x byte $ef byte $00 dex bne loop4 beq grandloop